Homeopathic Remedies for Emaciation
Emaciation is becoming abnormally thin from extreme loss of flesh.
Abrotanum (Thrice a day): General marasmus. Legs mostly affected, emaciation from below upwards. Appetite is good. Ill-effects of suppressed diseases.
Alfalfa Q (Twice a day): Acts as a fat producing drug. Corrects tissue waste.
Ambra grisea (Thrice a day): Emaciation of mentally deficient children who are nervous and easily excited.
Antimonium crud. (Thrice a day), Argentum met. (Thrice a day), Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Emaciation of penis and testicles.
Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Progressive emaciation. Craving for sweets which does not suit and flatulence, which is expelled with a noise.
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Diarrhea soon after drinking or eating. Burning in the stomach. Rapid emaciation due to fever. Gradual loss of weight.
Aurum mur. (Thrice a day): Emaciation after syphilis.
Baryta carb. 200-1M (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Emaciation with grandular swelling and enlargement of the abdomen. Patient is shy.
Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Emaciation of skin with large abdomen. Skin is folded. Bones do not grow rapidly and normally.
Calcarea phos. 6x (Four times a day): A good tonic during the disease. Skin is dry, wrinkled and withered. Can be given in alteration with the indicated remedy. Childs face is wrinkled. Sweating of head and hands in sleep.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Emaciation due to long standing worries or due to a disease.
Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Mammae develop too slowly at the age of puberty.
Ferrum phos. 6x (Four times a day), Calcarea phos. 6x (Four times a day), Natrium mur. 6x (Four times a day), Nux mosch. (Four times a day): Two tablets of each and all the four mixed in one dose should be given early in the morning along with another indicated remedy at an interval of three hours.
Hydrastis (Thrice a day): Emaciation after measles.
Iodium 200 and 1000 (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Increases weight and flesh while 2x and 3x reduces weight, flesh and obesity. Iodium in high potency is indicated when the patient only feels well by eating but goes on emaciating. Grandular atrophy with fear of people.
Lycopodium (Thrice a day): Emaciation of the neck and face. Eats and drinks everything warm. Flatulence.
Magnesium carb. (Thrice a day): Emaciation – milk not digested. Craves meat.
Natrium mur. 200 (One dose daily): Chilliness with an earthy complexion and constipation. Emaciation starts from above neck or upper limbs and spreads downwards.
Onosmodium CM (One dose only), Repeat after 15 days, Chimaphila (Thrice a day): Breasts absent or dwindle due to atrophy.
Pepsinum (Thrice a day), Natrium phos. (Thrice a day): Marasmus of children who are fed on artificial food.
Phosphorus (Twice a day): Emaciation after menstruation diseases.
Picricum acidum (Thrice a day): Emaciation though the appetite is good.
Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): Emaciation due to anemia. Wasting of muscles and paralysis.
Sarsaparilla Q (Twice a day) 2 drops: Nipples depressed instead of projected. Neck emaciated. The skin of the neck is in folds. 2 drops in water, twice daily.
Silicea (Thrice a day): Emaciation due to defective assimilation. Patient is chilly.
Syphilinum 1M (One dose only) Repeat after 1 month: Extreme emaciation of the skin.
Tuberculinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days: Rapid emaciation. Patient is always tired. Motion causes intense fatigue. Emaciation of neck due to dehydration. Rapid emaciation in wasting diseases like tuberculosis, etc.