Homeopathic Remedies for Emphysema – Dyspnea due to Destruction of Air Passages of the Lungs
In this disease, lungs are enlarged. This happens gradually. It is believed that the disease is the late effect of chronic infection or the irritation of bronchial tubes. The patient may have been suffering from cold or cough for the past few years and begins to feel shortness of breath on exertion in the morning or evening or both. Sometimes this symptom is confused with asthma or a heart disease. Weakened and inflamed lungs interfere with passage of blood through the small blood vessels of the lungs. When the interference grows, the heart has to work harder to pump blood. The heart may also enlarge under the stress and may fail to work in the end. A very high percentage of people who suffer from this disease, are cigarette or drug smokers. Polluted air can also cause it. The following medicines, selected according to symptoms, afford relief to many and lengthen their life.
Antimonium ars. (Thrice a day): Head remedy. Excessive dyspnea and cough with much mucus secretion, worse on eating or lying down. Asthma-like condition.
Antimonium tart. (Thrice a day): Emphysema of the aged. Coughing and gasping consequently. Great rattling of mucus in the lungs. Rapid, short, difficult breathing.
Aspidosperma Q (Twice a day): Tonic of the lungs. Removes temporary obstruction to the oxidation of blood by stimulating respiratory centres. Want of breath during exertion is a guiding symptom. Give 10 drops a dose.
Bryonia alba (Thrice a day): Frequent desire to take a long breath; must expand lungs. Dry barking cough worse at night. Quick, difficult respiration with pain in the chest.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Emphysema due to ill or incomplete treatment of pneumonia and chronic hoarseness.
Chininum ars. (Thrice a day): Asthma like attacks which occur periodically. Great prostration.
Coca 5-6 drops (Four times a day): Emphysema. Want of breath or short breath-asthma type. Especially useful for aged sportsmen and alcoholics. Hoarseness or loss of voice and dyspnea. Give 5-6 drops per dose every two hours in severe cases of emphysema.
Curare 6 (Thrice a day): Threatened stopping of respiration on falling asleep. Short breath. Short, dry cough. Very distressing dyspnea.
Naphthalinum (Thrice a day): Dyspnea and sighing respiration. Emphysema of the aged with asthma. Long and continued paroxysms of coughing. Unable to get respiration. Tenacious expectoration.
Senega (Thrice a day): Chronic emphysema of old asthmatics with congestive attacks of oppression and sensation of weight on chest.
Strychninum purum (Thrice a day): Respiration increased. Excessive dyspnea. Sharp contractive pains in the muscles of the chest. Persistent cough.