Homeopathic Tonic
A person in good health should not take any tonic. Good health means that the person has no disease. If a healthy person takes tonics, these will have no effect or may even produce an adverse effect. The habit of taking a tonic is simply ridiculous, when a person is healthy.
Alfalfa Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Acts as a tonic in digestive functions, toning up the appetite, resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain of weight. Corrects tissue waste.
Arsenicum iod. (Thrice a day): In chronic coronary artery disease and myocardial infection.
Aspidosperma Q (Twice a day): A great lung tonic.
Avena sativa Q (Twice a day): 10-20 drops a dose in a little water is a tonic for the nervous system and brings about sleep. Relieves nervous headache, fatigue and numbness of limbs. It is the best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases.
Cactus Q (Thrice a day), Crataegus oxy. Q (Thrice a day): 10-15 drops of these medicines mixed together and given every four hours works as a heart tonic and strengthens the heart.
Calcarea ars. (Thrice a day): Excellent heart tonic. Relieves pain, palpitation and dyspnea in dilatation of the heart; weak valves.
Calcarea phos. 6x (Four times a day): A general tonic for weak children, especially during teething. A tonic during pregnancy. In anemia of children and after acute and chronic wasting diseases.
Cascara sag. Q (Thrice a day): It is an intestinal tonic, palliative in constipation and helps in removing indigestion. Give 15 drops every three hours.
Chamomilla (Thrice a day): For whining, restless and irritable children.
China off. (Thrice a day), Chininum ars. (Thrice a day), Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): For debility remaining after influenza and colds.
Chininum ars. (Thrice a day): A general tonic with very marked beneficial and prompt effect. The symptoms of general weakness, weariness and prostration are cured by it.
Crataegus oxy. Q (Twice a day): Acts upon muscles of the heart. There is giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger and low blood pressure.
Digitalis (Thrice a day): It is a great cardiac tonic in feeble muscular walls of the heart. Palpitation, breathlessness and vertigo.
Echinacea (Thrice a day): Blood poisoning.
Gentiana cruciata Q (Twice a day): A tonic which increases appetite and relieves acidity and bloating of stomach and abdomen; constricted feeling in the throat.
Gentiana lutea Q (Twice a day): Acts as a tonic for increasing appetite.
Lathyrus sat. 3 (Thrice a day): Acts as a tonic for removal of weakness and heaviness after cure of influenza and wasting, exhaustive diseases like hypertension and heart disease.
Lecithinum (Thrice a day): It has a favourable influence upon the nutritive conditions, specially upon the blood. It acts as a tonic in anemia and during convalescence. It increases the quantity and quality of milk in nursing women.
Natrium sulph. 6x (Thrice a day): Tonic in Rheumatism especially when the patient feels changes of temperature from dry to wet, with weak ankles and knees, pain from hip to toe. A person wearing a ring overnight cannot take it off in the morning due to swelling of the finger.
Nux vomica (Thrice a day): For irritability. Over-worked dyspeptic males.
Picricum acidum (Thrice a day): Mental and physical prostration.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): For contradictory, changeable, lachrymose females suffering from anemia due to iron deficiency or abuse of iron tonic.
Secale cor. (Thrice a day): In thickening of the coats of arteries producing hypertension, angina pectoris, right heart disease, with cold and blue extremities. Patient is better in cold and with cold applications.
Staphysagria (Thrice a day): For residual pain, nervousness after teeth extraction.
Sterculia a. (Thrice a day): Fatigue. Regulates the blood circulation. Regulates cardiac rhythm and gives strength to a weak heart. 3-10 drops, three times a day.
Turnera Q (Thrice a day): 10 to 40 drops a dose, thrice daily acts as a tonic in sexual weakness and removes frigidity in females.
Vanadium (Thrice a day): A true digestive tonic after sub-acute and acute gastroenteric inflammation and in early tuberculosis.
Veratrum alb. (Thrice a day): A useful heart tonic when there is cold sweating on the forehead.
Viburnum prun. Q (Twice a day): It is great uterine tonic. Strengthens the muscles of the uterus and removes tendency to habitual abortions.
Yohimbinum Q (Twice a day): Excites sexual organs and stimulates the function of lactation.
Zincum met. (Thrice a day): For old persons and also for paralysis. Often for cerebral thrombosis.
NOTE 1: A report published in The Journal of American Medical Association on 13-1-99, stated that researchers at the Oregon Health Division in Portland and Centres of Disease Control in Atlanta found that Alfalfa can cause Salmonella – a disease with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain, if Alfalfa plant parts used in preparation of the tonic Alfalfa are not washed properly before preparing the medicine.
NOTE 2: Mega doses of vitamins and other health supplements may do more harm than good. It is best to get required nutrients from food instead.