Homeopathic Tranquilizers
Tranquilizers are drugs that promotes tranquillity by calming, soothing, quieting or pacifying without sedating or depressing effects.
Coffea cruda (Four times a day): Sleepless, on account of mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous excitability.
Kalium phos. (Four times a day): One of the greatest remedies of the nervous system. Want of nerve power. Mental and physical depression on account of excitement, over-work and worries. For insomnia use 200x, otherwise 6x.
Passiflora Q (Four times a day): It has a quietening effect on the nervous system. In cases of insomnia, it produces normal sleep without any disturbances in cerebral functions. Large doses of 60-100 drops are required, repeat several times.
Piscidia Q (Twice a day) (When needed): It is a nerve sedative. Brings normal sleep in cases of insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement, spasmodic cough. Pains of irregular menstruation. Regulates the flow. Neuralgias and spasmodic affections. Use 50 drops a dose as required.
Xanthoxylum 3x (Thrice a day): Its specific action is on the nervous system, especially in nervous patients of spare habit. Insomnia. Frightened. Mental depression.