Homeopathy Chicken Pox Treatment
Antimonium tart. Every 2 hours: After 24 hours of the use of Variolinum, if the fever is left, give it every two hours till the fever lasts. It generally takes two days.
Calcarea phos. 6x (Thrice a day): After the patient has been completely cured, weakness always remains. Give this remedy every two hours to remove weakness.
Rhus tox. Bryonia alba 3 hourly: After use of Antimonium tart. use these remedies in alteration every three hours for removal of the residual symptoms like fever, cough, etc.
Variolinum 200 (One dose only) For prevention (Twice a day), For 2 days: Give one dose at the start of the treatment to cut short the disease and averting its further dangers. It should be given at the end of the treatment when the disease has been cured and the weakness has been removed. It will remove the ugly scars left. When chicken pox is prevalent in a locality, all children not affected by the disease, should be given one dose in the morning and one dose in the evening for two days as a preventive to the disease.
NOTE: Chicken pox occurs in children between ages 1 to 15. It is seldom a life threatening disease. It is caused by Varicella zoster virus which remains in the infected person’s sensory nerve roots for life. Sometimes in adulthood, it is reactivated and results in shingles. It is a communicable disease.