Homeopathy Medicine for Chilblains
Chilbains: Erythema, itching and burning especially of fingers, toes, heels, nose and ears caused by vascular constriction on exposure to extreme cold; lesions can be single or multiple, and can become blistered and ulcerated. Skin very white, waxy and the surface feels hard.
Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Chilblains have a sensation as if cold needles were pricking. Itching is present along with the swelling. The affected skin is red and pricky.
Fragaria vesca (Thrice a day): Chilblains worse in summer.
Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day), Silicea (Thrice a day): Chilblains with pus in the cracks of the skin.
Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Ulcerated chilblains in toes.
Petroleum 200 (One dose daily): Fingers and toes become deep red and bluish with swelling, burning and itching due to cold or by taking out the hands from gloves or feet from socks and immediately placing them in cold water or on a cold floor when these are still hot. Chilblains every winter.
Psorinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Rough and chapped skin worse in winter.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Chilblains with swollen veins. Burning and throbbing pains cause crying. Bluish inflammed swellings and desire for sympathy.
Rhus v. Q (Twice a day): Applied locally gives immediate relief to itching and burning of chilblains.
Tamus Q (Twice a day): Chilblains with discoloration of the skin with chaps. Takes away pain of chilblains speedly when it is painted on the affected part.
Terebinthiniae (Thrice a day): Chilblains where the skin is not cracked.
NOTE: In such cases, the patient should be kept in a cold place, but should not be exposed to a current of air. He should be washed with ice cold water in the parts affected. This process may last for hours. During the intervening period, any of the above remedies may be given according to symptoms.
NOTE 2: The patient should be warned against putting the affected skin against something hot or immersing in a pail of hot water as it will further damage the skin. Body warmth is the best application for the affected area like putting the hands in the armpits.