Homeopathy Medicine for Face
Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Face, red and hot. On rising after lying down, the face becomes deathly pale. Chewing motion of the lower jaw. Tingling in the cheeks and numbness.
Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): The facial muscles feel stiff the twitch, itch and bum. Face red.
Amylenum nit. (Thrice a day): Face flushed.
Antimonium ars. (Thrice a day): Face bloated.
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Face swollen, pale, yellow and sunken.
Belladonna (Thrice a day): Face red, bluish-red, hot and swollen. Facial neuralgia with twitching of muscles and a flushed face.
Berberis vulg. (Thrice a day), Bismuthum (Thrice a day), Cina (Thrice a day): Pale face, sunken eyes surrounded by blue rings.
Cactus (Thrice a day): Pain in the face.
Cantharis (Thrice a day): Itching vesicles which bum when touched.
Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Cold sweat on the face. Face puffy, cyanotic. Mottled cheeks and a red nose.
Causticum 10M (One dose only): Paralysis of the right side of the face.
Chamomilla (Thrice a day), Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): One cheek red, but the other is pale.
Ipecacuanha (Thrice a day), China off. (Thrice a day): Face is pale, sickly, white and bluish in appearance around the mouth and eyes.
Cina (Thrice a day): Intense circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Face otherwise pale and hot with blue rings around the eyes. Cold perspiration on the face.
Colchicum autum. (Thrice a day): Swelling and tingling in the face. Pain in the muscles of the face. Cheeks red and hot.
Ferrum mur. 6x (Thrice a day): Circumscribed red spots on the cheeks.
Graphites (Twice a day): Face red with anemia.
Helleborus (Thrice a day): Chewing motion of the jaws. Horrible smell from the mouth.
Hydrocotyle (Thrice a day): Pain in the left cheek bones and about the orbits.
Kalium iod. (Thrice a day): Face yellow.
Ledum pal. (Thrice a day): Eczema of the face and cheeks. Crusty eruptions. Itching worse at night.
Lupulus (Thrice a day): Scarlatina-like eruptions on the face.
Lycopodium (Thrice a day): Yellowish-brown spots on the face.
Mancinella (Thrice a day): Blue circles around the eyes.
Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Pale face and blue rings around the eyes. Yellow spots on the face.
Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Face greasy and shinning. Earthy, unhealthy looking face.
Petroleum (Thrice a day): Blotches and roughness of the facial skin in winter or cold weather.
Phosphorus (Twice a day): Circumscribed redness on one or both cheeks.
Phosphorus (Twice a day), Veratrum vir. (Thrice a day): Pale, sickly complexion. Blue rings under the eyes. Circumscribed redness of one or both cheeks.
Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): Face yellow like that of a corpse.
Sanguinaria (Thrice a day): Circumscribed redness and burning of cheeks, the pain extends in all directions from the upper jaw.
Sepia (Thrice a day): Yellow face or yellow spots on the face. Yellow saddle across the nose.
Silicea (Thrice a day), Calcarea fluor. (Thrice a day): Disfigurement due to acne scars or scars left by ulcers and boils.
Spigelia (Thrice a day): Neuralgia of the face. The eyes, cheeks, teeth and temples are all hot. They are very sensitive to touch and seem icy cold to the patient. Symptoms improve in the evening.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Face very red.
Variolinum 200 (One dose only): For the removal of scars left by smallpox and chicken pox.
Veratrum vir. (Thrice a day): Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles.
Vipera (Thrice a day): Face excessively swollen.