- Third stage of inflammation
- Sharp, shooting, shifting, spotty pains
- Always irritable, always hungry, always constipated
- Yellow, slimy discharges
Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Potassium sulphate, Sulphate of potash
Prover :┬аDr W. H. Schussler
Duration of Action : Not definite
Miasmatic Background: Syphilis at particular level and tubercular at . general level
Temperament: Nervous
Diathesis: Gouty and rheumatic
Thermal Relationship: Hot in geberal
Introduction and History: This is BIOCHEMIC PULSATILLA. The drug picture of Kalium sulphuricum is very similar to the homeopathic drug picture of Pulsatilla pratensis and it has often been called inorganic Pulsatilla. Both are characterised by affections of the mucosae with thick creamy yellow secretions. Both produce the same depressive mood with a tendency to tears.
This remedy has a wide clinical use. It is one of the twelve tissue remedies by Schussler. It is a biochemic remedy introduced by Dr Schussler. Potassium is predominantly an intracellular anion and maintains electrical excitability of nerves and muscles. Almost all potassium ions are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is freely filtered at the glomerulus and almost completely reabsorbed in the proximal tubule of nephrons in the kidney. It is secreted in the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron as well as in the colon. Thus, excretion occurs through urine and faeces.
Kalium sulphuricum is present as glycoprotein in all connective tissues, for example, cartilages, tendons, cornea, etc. It is present in secretions such as in bile, saliva, red blood cells, etc.
Description: Occurs in nature in mines. It is a chemical salt of potassium and Sulphuric acid. It can be purchased from a chemist shop. Kalium sulphuricum is┬аfound in the epithelial cells of the skin and the mucosae, and in all other places where iron is deposited in the cells; it helps to convey oxygen to the cell structure and thus has an accelerating influence on the metabolism. Potassium sulphate is effective in advanced stages of inflammatory conditions accompanied by yellow slimy exudations. It is indicated in all cases in which, because of the weak reactions of the body, the progress of the diseases is very slow with a tendency to generalization. They take an inward course instead of coming out. Like Sulphur in homeopathy, Kalium sulphuricum is a good agent with catalytic activating properties. In inflammatory diseases, particularly ulcerations, it has a demarcation effect against necrosis. Its main working points are – conjunctiva, mucosae (upper respiratory tract, bronchi, stomach, and uterus) and skin.
Preparation: Triturations are prepared with sugar of milk. Higher potencies are prepared in alcohol from 3c.
Constitution and Physiognomy: It is best suited to tall, obese, short neck, bloated people with a loose, hanging abdomen.
Ailments From: Chronic suppurative illness, foreign body obstruction, suppressed skin eruptions, gases, fumes, fear, fright, etc.
Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Epithelium, throat, eustachian tubes, lymph glands, shoulders.
Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
- It acts on the skin and mucous membrane preventing thickening and keratinization of skin and mucous membrane.
- It acts on the respiratory system. It prevents thickening of the terminal respiratory bronchioles as a keratolytic agent.
- On the skin and scalp, the keratolytic activity prevents conditions like psoriasis, seborrhoea, acne, eczema, dermatitis, lichenification, dandruff, sclera dermatitis, scabs with pus formation, etc.
- It prevents stricture formation of circular muscle fibres. Therefore, it is useful in stenosis of urethra, fallopian tubes, anal canal, oesophagus, pylorus, intestines, etc.
- Deficiency of Kalium sulphuricum causes dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, its supply produces sweat during the heat stage and brings down the fever. Simultaneously, it controls the infection of septicaemia and the exudative state where discharges are slimy, yellow or greenish, ropy, tough, stringy, lumpy, which can be pulled into long threads.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- Hysterical, impatient, fear of falling.
- Discontented, frightened easily, changeability of mood.
- Very irritable, anxious, lack of self-confidence.
- Obstinate, weeping tendency and very hurried.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Discharge: Yellowish-green in colour and offensive. Thick, stringy, ropy, tough, lumpy, which can be pulled into long threads.
Tongue: Yellowish coating, dry, soft, flabby, indented
Taste: Bitter.
Constipation: Patient is always constipated.
Right-sidedness: It is a right sided remedy.
Inflammation: It is indicated in the third stage of inflammation, especially in aerobic areas.
Skin: Yellowish dandruff, suppurative eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis and lichenification or sclerosis, scaling and desquamation, etc.
Pain: Stitching, shifting, spotty, sharp, shooting pain.
Hunger: Hunger with easy satiety, everything eaten turns into gas, bloated abdomen. Diarrhoea after rich food.
Taste: Bitter taste with obstinate constipation.
Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea white or gray, bland discharge. It may be thin or thick.
Sprain: Sprain, swelling of the joint; pains worse from motion.
Respiratory disorders: This is a chief remedy in respiratory disorders for example, sinusitis, bronchiectasis, lung abscesses, empyema, fibrosis of lung tissues.
Important Characteristic Features
Indigestion: The tongue has a slimy yellow coating with pressure or fullness in the stomach; chronic catarrh of the stomach. Pain in the stomach. For colicky pains, after Magnesia phosphorica fails.
Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea with foul smelling, putrid stools; discharges like rice water; offensive stools with or without pains, also when depression or exhaustion is present. Chronic diarrhoea during menses.
Catarrh: Third stage of all catarrhs, no matter where it is located; when the discharges are yellow, slimy or of watery mucous. Discharge from the nose is yellow. Dr Wesselhoef, MD reports a case of thick, yellow, offensive catarrh alternating with watery discharge from the nostrils. Duration 18 months. Taste and smell lost. Takes cold very easily. Kalium sulphuricum 12x in water cured in one month.
Cough: Third stage of inflammatory coughs with expectoration of slimy yellow or watery yellow matter. Always worse in a warm room and in the evening. Better in cool, open air. Cough when the mucous slips back and is swallowed. Hard, hoarse, croupy cough with a tired feeling in the back of the throat.
Skin: In skin diseases, Ferrum phosphoricum is for the first stage, Kalium muriaticum for second stage and Kalium sulphuricum follows them. Indicated in all eruptions of the skin when the discharges are watery, yellow and of foul matter. Dry skin, sudden suppression of eruptions. Peeling of the┬аskin with or without sticky secretions. While selecting the remedy, note the colour of the tongue.
General Modalities
Aggravation: After eating fatty or rich food, from exertion, in summers from touch, high temperature, warmth, motion, night, early morning, evening, in a closed room.
Amelioration: Cold, cold drinks, rubbing, by cold open air.
Remedy Relationships
Complementary: Puls, Dulc.
Follows well: Kali-c.
Compare: Kali-bi, Puls, Led, Mang.
Pulsatilla pratensis patient is mild, gentle and yielding, whereas the Kalium sulphuricum patient is easily angered, obstinate and very irritable.
Kalium bichromicum patient is chilly, whereas a Kalium sulphuricum patient is warm blooded.
Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.
Dosage: 3x to 12x on biochemic indications. Higher potencies on general indications.
- Low potencies are to be repeated frequently.
- High potencies are repeated occasionally.
Therapeutic Value: Adenoids, Dandruff, Diarrhoea, Gonorrhoea, Infective hepatitis, Measles, Mumps, Sore throat, Seberrhoea, Sinusitis, Suppuration, Tonsillitis.