Homeopathic Medicine ┬аPhysical/Emotional Effects Of Abortion
Arsenicum alb., Natrium mur. (Twice a day) : Try either of the remedies when the patient has a feeling of guilt having aborted.
China off. 30c (Thrice a day) : For weakness due to excessive bleeding.
Kalium carb. 30c (Thrice a day) : Removes weakness remaining after labor or miscarriage.
Nux vomica 30 (Thrice a day) : Hemorrhage after abortion with sensation as if bowels wanted to move.
Pulsatilla nig. Q (Thrice a day) : It expedites expulsion of the fetus. 10-15 drops in 1/2 cup of water is sufficient to produce the expulsion.
Pyrogenium 200 (One dose only) : When there is fever and a danger of septicemia.
Sabina 30 (Thrice a day) : Pain in the lower back and genitals.
Sepia 30 (Thrice a day) : Use it when the placenta has not been expelled or has been expelled partially.
Thuja occ. 1M, Psorinum 1M (One dose only) : If there is a danger of illness after the miscarriage try either of the remedies according to the symptoms.
Trillium pend. Q : Give 5 drop doses every two hours if the bleeding prolongs in case of an induced abortion.
NOTE: Women having history of high blood pressure or a history of heart disease should not take treatment for abortion.