- Easy fainting, while eating, during menses, due to emotional disturbances
- Violent anger, scolds till mouth becomes dry and lips blue
- Uncontrollable laughter
- Coldness – general or of single parts
- Tension in muscles, skin and mind
Source: Animal kingdom
Synonyms: Musk, Deer musk, Moschus
Family: Mammalia
Thermal Relationship: Chilly patient
Introduction and History: Musk is a well known perfume, which produces fainting in some by its mere smell, hence easy fainting in any condition is its chief indication. Faints easily; faints from least excitement, scolds and rages until she falls unconscious; globus hystericus ending in unconsciousness; faints while eating, during menses, from heart disease.
Habit and Habitat: East Asia.
Preparation and Parts Used: It is prepared by the trituration of inspissated secretion contained in preputial follicles.
Constitution and Physiognomy: It is suited to spoiled, sensitive natures and hysterical women and men. Girls are selfish, obstinate, self-willed, pampered. They resort to all kinds of cunning measures to have their whims gratified.
Ailments From: Chill.
Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
- Through the cerebrospinal system, it especially affects the sexual organs and nerves of motion.
- It acts on the cerebrospinal nervous system producing excitement of the excito-motor system.
- Acts on female sexual organs producing excessive venereal excitement.
- Acts on circulation producing increased vasomotor capillary spasm.
Characteristics Mental Symptoms
- Patient is hurried, tremulous and awkward; bursting activity with weakness, so that everything falls from the hand.
- Violent anger, talks excitedly, raves, scolds until the mouth becomes dry, lips blue, eyes staring and she falls unconscious.
- Fears noise, dying; fears to lie down, lest one dies.
- Sudden loss of memory. Imaginary sufferings.
- Uncontrollable laughter. Sexual hypochondriasis.
- Feels as if being rapidly turned around.
- Talks to himself and gesticulates.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Vertigo: Vertigo on moving the head or eyelids, ameliorated in open air with nausea, vomiting and fainting.
Headache: Tension at the back of the head and nape; aching in head with a cold feeling. Pressive, stupefying headache, mostly in forehead with nausea; aggravated on motion, ameliorated in fresh air.
Sensation: Sensation as if constricted with a cord. Pain as if there was a nail in the occiput; worse in a room, better in fresh air.
Craves: Beer or brandy.
Aversions: To food.
Menses: Menses are too early and profuse with drawing pains; tingling in genitalia and fainting.
Respiratory: Dyspnoea and oppression of chest and heart.
Spasmodic asthma: A useful medicine for spasmodic asthma in nervous women and children.
Laryngismus stridulus: It occurs in self-willed girls when they fail to have their own way. Constriction and spasm of larynx as from vapours of sulphur and becoming cold.
Perspiration: Perspiration smelling like musk in the morning.
Palpitation: Cold skin, trembling, fainting and palpitation.
Nymphomania: Violent sexual desire and sexual excitement.
Important Characteristic Features
Female uterine affections: It is a very useful medicine for menstrual irregularities in which menses are too early, too profuse with a disposition to faint. Sexual desire with intolerable titillation of parts. Drawing and pushing in the direction of genitals; sensation as if menses wound appears. Dysmenorrhoea with fainting. Worse from pressure, motion, after sex, side lain on.
General Modalities
Aggravation: From cold, excitement, suppression, open air, from pressure, motion, after sex, after a meal, during a meal, on side lain on.
Amelioration: In open air, from rubbing, cold.
Remedy Relationships
Antidotes: Camph, Coff.
Compatible: Ambr.
Therapeutic Value: Angina pectoris, Catalepsy, Croup, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Fainting, Heart failure, Hypochondriasis, Hysteria, Laryngismus, Lung paralysis, Rage fits, Stings, Typhoid, Vertigo, Whooping cough.