- Extremely sensitive to cold or open air
- Intense itching of skin especially, lower extremities; worse undressing, worse exposure to cool air.
- Eating meat causes pruritus and eructations
- Extremely sensitive to cold or open air
Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Yellow dock, Curled dock
Family: Polygonaceae
Prover: Dr Joslin.
Miasmatic Background: Psora and tubercular
Diathesis: Tubercular
Thermal Relationship: Chilly patient
Introduction and History: The ‘Yellow dock’ or ‘Curled dock’ is a common British weed, introduced and growing wild in North America, where the provings were made. The common Dock of our fields and roadsides, rumex obtusifolius, has a reputation among children as the best antidote to nettle sting, a reputation which is very well deserved as Clarke can testify. According to Joslin, Rumex quoted by Hale, was used by allopaths internally and externally for the cure of itch. This points to one of the leading actions of Rumex crispus as developed in the provings.
Description: Among the constituents and salts of Rumex crispus are sulphur, phosphorus and calcium. These are strongly represented in its action.
Preparation and Parts Used: Mother tincture is prepared from fresh roots.
Constitution and Physiognomy: Suits to people of tubercular diathesis; extremely sensitive skin and mucous membranes.
Ailments From: Inhaling cool air.
Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts on the respiratory mucous membrane, especially that of the larynx, the alimentary mucous membrane, skin and lymphatics.
Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
- It affects the nerves causing numerous and varied pains, neither fixed nor constant anywhere, sharp pains; neuralgias.
- Affects mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea, bowels and throat pit
producing dryness and sensitiveness. - Acts upon joints, especially ankles, skin, left side, chest.
- It acts on mucous secretions causing them to decrease causing stickiness with burning.
- It acts on the lymphatic system producing enlarged lymphatics and perverted lymphatic secretions.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- LOW SPIRITED, with a serious expression on the face and a suicidal mood.
- Patent is irritable, disinclined to mental exertion.
- Indifference to surroundings.
- Stagnation of ideas, lassitude and uneasiness.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Thermal reaction: Patient is extremely sensitive to open air.
Hoarseness: Hoarseness worse in the evening, after exposure to cold. Voice is uncertain.
Tickling: Tickling in the throat pit causing a dry, teasing cough.
Cough: Dry, incessant, fatiguing cough worse from changing air or room, worse in the evening, after lying down, touching or pressing the throat pit, lying on the left side, from slightest inhalation of cold air. Patient covers the head with bedclothes to make air warmer; little or no expectoration. The cough is worse in cool air or by anything which increases the volume or rapidity of inspired air.
Sensation: Sensation of a lump in the throat; descends on swallowing, but returns immediately. Raw sensation in larynx and trachea when coughing.
Urine: Involuntary with cough.
Diarrhoea: It is a useful medicine for early morning diarrhoea; from 5 to 10 am.
Stools: Painless, profuse and offensive. Sudden urging, driving one out of bed in the morning.
Skin: Itching of various parts, worse by cold and better by warmth; worse when undressing, uncovering or exposing to cold air
Important Characteristic Features
Throat affections: A very useful medicine for throat affections caused by taking cold air, exposure to cold. There is an excoriated feeling in the throat, with secretion of mucous in the upper part of throat. Sensation of a lump in the throat, not relieved by hawking or swallowing, it descends on deglutition, but immediately returns. Aching in larynx, with collection of tough mucous in fauces. Tickling in the throat pit, causing dry, teasing cough. Worse by taking cold, cold drinks, draft of cold air.
Respiratory affections: A very useful remedy for affections of the upper respiratory tract. Violent sneezing with fluent coryza and headache which is worse in the morning, evening and at night. Certain kinds of cough are worse at 11 pm, whether the child is asleep or not. Accumulation of mucous in posterior nares. Yellow mucous discharged through posterior nares. Epistaxis, violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils. Influenza with┬аviolent catarrh, followed by bronchitis. Continual scraping in the throat whenever this catarrhal state goes into the larynx and trachea. Hoarseness, cannot speak because the vocal cords are covered with tough mucous. Accumulation of tough, gelatinous, gluey mucous; patient continuously scrapes the larynx.
Diarrhoea: A very useful medicine for early morning diarrhoea. Stools are brown, watery, worse early in the morning, from 5 to 9 am. It is useful for a serious attack of diarrhoea, especially in old men around 70 years of age, after Sulphur fails to act. The Sulphur patient with a cough, especially in phthisis, commonly wants cool air, cooling things; though the stomach symptoms are sometimes ameliorated from hot drinks, yet he wants cool, refreshing air.
General Modalities
Aggravation: Inhaling cool air, in open air, change from warm to cold and cold to warm, uncovering, at night, from pressure on the trachea, talking, deep breathing or irregular breathing, motion, eating after meals.
Amelioration: By covering mouth, wrapping up.
Remedy Relationships
Antidoted by: Camph, Bell, Hyos, Con, Lach, Phos.
Involuntary urine with cough: Puls, Caust, Sil.
Cough worse from changing room or air: Rumx, Spong, Phos.
Cough worse by lying on left side: Rumx, Phos.
Cough begins as soon as head touches the pillow at night: Hyos, Dros, Bell.
Dosage: 3 to 30 potency.
Repetition: Bears repetition very well.
Therapeutic Value: Abdominal disorders, Aphonia, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Coryza, Cough, Diarrhoea, Hoarseness, Rheumatism, Skin affections, Throat and lung affections, Tuberculosis, Urticaria, etc.