- Menses – early, profuse, bright, partly fluid, partly clotted with pain from sacrum to pubis
- Tendency to abortion at third month
- Music is intolerable, goes through bone and marrow
Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Savin
Family: Coniferae
Prover: Dr Stapf
Duration of Action: 20 to 30 days
Diathesis: Gouty and rheumatic
Introduction and History: Stapf made the first collection of the symptoms of Sabina; Hahnemann and his son were among the provers. A number of observations on women who had taken the drug to bring on the menses or procure abortion have also been added, and some cases of fatal poisoning are on record.
Preparation and Parts Used: Tincture of the young, fresh tops of the branches. Tincture of the oil.
Constitution and Physiognomy: It is suited to chronic ailments of women; arthritic pains; tendency to miscarriages, especially in the third month. It is also suitable for hot blooded women with gouty rheumatic diathesis and haemorrhagic tendency, epistaxis, haematuria, etc.
Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts on female pelvic organs especially uterus, fibrous tissues of small joints, serous membranes and heels.
Ailments From: Abortion, premature labour, haemorrhage from uterus, vertigo with suppressed menses, gonorrhoea, urethritis, suppressed gonorrhoea.
Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)
- Sabina acts as a widespread irritant, inflaming the pyloric end of duodenum┬аand causing patches of inflammation in other portions of the intestines,┬аespecially the upper intestines, the omentum and peritoneum.
- The action of Sabina on the generative organs of both sexes is pronounced.
- It produces fig warts with itching and burning of the external genitals, phimosis of the male, along with swelling of the dorsum of the penis and gonorrhoea; it causes in the female uterine hemorrhages, and in the case of pregnant women, abortion.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- There is dejection, discouragement and sadness.
- Patient is of hypochondriacal mood.
- Great anxiety and apprehension.
- Patient is irritable, nervous.
- Music is intolerable. Music makes her sad producing nervousness; music
goes through the bone and marrow. - Moroseness with a dislike to make conversation, especially when exercising in open air.
- IRASCIBILITY, with tears and sobs.
- Patient has listlessness.
- Weakness of memory.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Suited to: It is suited to chronic ailments of women; arthritic pains; tendency to miscarriages, especially in the third month.
Backache: Drawing pains in the small of back, from sacrum to pubes, in nearly all diseases from back, going round the body.
Ailments from: Indicated in ailments following abortion or premature labour.
Uterine haemorrhages: Haemorrhages from the uterus – menstrual, postpartum or following abortion. Flow is partly pale, red and fluid, partly clotted; worse from least motion, often relieved by walking. Accompanied by pain extending from sacrum to pubes.
Menses: Menses are too early, too profuse, too protracted; partly fluid, partly clotted in women who menstruated very early in life. Flow occurs in paroxysms; with colic and labour-like pains; pains from sacrum to pubes.
Discharge of blood: Occurs between periods, with sexual excitement. 7.
Retained placenta: From atony of uterus; intense after pains.
Menorrhagia: It occurs during climacteric, in women who formerly aborted; with early first menses.
Inflammation: OF OVARIES OR UTERUS after abortion or premature labour.
Expulsion of moles: Sabina promotes expulsion of moles or foreign bodies from the uterus.
Fig warts: There are fig warts with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations.
Important Characteristic Features
Female uterine affections: It is a very useful medicine for tendency to abortion, especially at the third month. Discharge of bright red, partly clotted blood, worse from any motion; pain from sacrum to pubes; pain in the legs. It promotes the expulsion of moles. After pains, with sensitiveness of the abdomen. Metritis after parturition. It is useful for condylomata, with sore, burning pains. Cysts at the vulva, sensitive or with tearing pains during rest. Chest symptoms relieved by pressing on chest with hand.
Menstrual troubles: A very useful remedy for menstrual troubles. Menses are too profuse, too early; partly fluid, partly clotted and offensive. Flow is in paroxysms, with colic and labour-like pains; pains travel from sacrum to pubes. She has an almost insatiable desire for embrace. Metrorrhagia increased by least motion, but often better from walking. Leucorrhoea occurs from suppressed menses; recurs every two weeks; which is thick, yellow and foetid; with itching of pudenda. Stitches from below upwards, deep in the vagina from Walking.
Rheumatism, arthritic complaints: Useful medicine for arthritic complaints of women. There are drawing pains through long bones. Presence of red, shining swelling of affected parts. Tearing, stinging in joints after they become swollen; worse in a heated room; better in cool air or in a cool room. Arthritic nodes.
General Modalities
Aggravation: Night, heat of bed, warm room, exertion, pregnancy, during climacteric, in foggy weather, stooping, letting limbs hang down, taking a deep breath, music.
Amelioration: From cold, cool, open air, exhalation.
Remedy Relationships
Complementary: Thuj.
Antidoted by: Puls.
Compatible: Ars, Bell, Rhus-t, Spong.
Abortion at third month: Sec, Sabin, Cimic.
Sensation as if something alive in the abdomen or other parts of the body: Sulph, Thuj, Sabin, Croc.
Music unbearable: Acon, Nat-c, Graph, Sabin.
- Locally, for warts, tincture.
- Internally, 3 to 200 potency.
Repetition: Can be repeated when the symptoms call for it.
Therapeutic Value: Abortion, Condylomata, Cystitis, Gonorrhoea, Gout, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual disorders, Miscarriages, Rheumatism, Skin troubles, Uterine affections, etc.