- Craving for large amounts of sugar, sweets
- Breathlessness better lying in recumbent position
Source: A sarcode
Synonyms: Thyroid extract from thyroid gland of sheep, Iodothyrinum, Iodothyrine
Prover: Dr Hoenigschmied, Dr H.C. Allen, Dr S.K.. Ghosh of Calcutta Duration of Action: Not definite
Introduction and History: When the treatment of myxoedema and allied diseases by ‘Thyroid feeding’ was introduced by Murray in 1892, many accidents occurred from overdosing.
Preparation: Trituration of the fresh thyroid gland of sheep or calf is prepared. Attenuation is prepared from the liquid extract of the gland.
Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It acts on the central nervous system, glands, skin, heart, respiration and female sexual organs.
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)
- Stupor alternating with restless melancholy.
- Patient weeps, undresses. Homicidal tendency.
- Patient is suspicious. Ideas of persecution.
- ill-tempered, worse opposition; goes into a rage over trifles.
- Patient is grumbling; continuously.
- Patient is laughs in a way peculiar to herself.
Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms
Headache: Persistent frontal headache; heaviness over the eyes
Eyes: Exophthalmic goitre. There is progressive loss of sight with central scotoma.
Desire: For sweets, and thirst for cold water.
Diabetes mellitus: Increased flow of urine. Urine Smells of violets.
Enuresis: Enuresis in weakly children.
Palpitation: Worse by least exertion; hammering; beats felt in the ear.
Heart: Pains in the heart radiate into the axilla; clutching, constricting pain worse by lying down; causing short breath.
Cough: Dry, painful cough on entering a warm room, from cool air.
Myxoedema: With loss of hair; and cretinism.
Thyroid: Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large quantities of
Important Characteristic Features
Heart affections: A most valuable medicine for affections of the heart, especially valvular diseases. Palpitation, worse least exertion; hammering; beats felt in the ear. Tachycardia. Angina pectoris in which heart pains radiate into the axilla; clutching, constricting pains, worse lying down; causing short breath. There is hypertrophy after hard labour. Patient feels as if blood was rushing downwards, through the body. There is a jumping sensation in the heart, Presence of large veins on arms and hands.
Skin affections: Skin is very dry; itching without eruptions. Psoriasis with adiposity. Ichthyosis. Itching with jaundice. Peeling of lower limbs. There is brawny swelling. Symmetrical serpiginous eruptions.
General Modalities
Aggravation: Least exertion or cold, stooping, during menses, during pregnancy, labour, puerperal period, menopause.
Amelioration: Lying on abdomen or in reclining position.
Remedy Relationships
Follows well: Lach, Bac.
Infantile jaundice: Cham, Nat-s, Thyr.
Conjunctivitis with chemosis: Apis, Thyr.
- It is given in crude doses – cretinism, myxoedema, undescended testicles in boys, ulcers in the legs, obesity.
- 3x to 1M in amenorrhoea in obese women, in allergic diseases.
- Single dose of high potency.
- Bears repetition well in 30 potency and 3x.
Therapeutic Value: Allergy, Aphonia, Dentition, Diabetes, Goitre, Infantile disorders, Myxoedema, Obesity, Rickets, Sexual disorders, Undescended testicles.
- When crude doses are given, watch for these toxic effects – rapid pulse, feverishness, headache, pruritus, delirium, general debility, loss of weight, cardiac debility and death.
- Contraindication – Dormant phthisis may arise.