When there is no vision in even in day then it is called Day blindness.
(1) Bothrops Lanceolatus 30 :- Best medicine for amaurosis and day blindness. Can scarcely see the way after sun rise.
(2) Belladona 30 :- Paralysis of the optic nerves. Congestion of blood to the eye and redness of the veins. Flow of acrid and corrosive tears. Momentary blindness, obscuration and entire loss of sight.
(3) Stramonium 6 :- Eyes half open in sleep. Cloudiness of sight. Transient blindness. Objects appear blue. Confusion of letters. Objects appear oblique or colored.
(4) Phosphorus 30 :- Presser in eyes as from a grain of sand. Congestion of blood in eyes. Lachrymation esp. in open air, when facing the wind. Cataracta viridis
(5) Sulphuricum acidum 30 :- Lacrimation especially when reading. Sensation of a foreign body in right outer canthus