Homeopathic Remedies for Amenorrhea – Absence and Suppression of Menses
Amenorrhea is absence or abnormal cessation of menses. It may be primary or secondary (due to some other reasons like lactation, emotional, dietary, exercise induced, etc.).
Aconitum nap. (One dose only), Platinum met. (One dose only): Menses suppressed in plethoric girls. Platinum acts very promptly.
Aconitum nap. (One dose only): Menstruation stopped suddenly due to a great emotional shock or stress or from exposure to dry, windy, cold weather.
Apis mel. (One dose only): Menses suppressed with head symptoms or due to a tumour in the ovaries. It acts very well specially in young girls when it appears that the menses are about to start but do not.
Apocynum can. (One dose only): Absence of menses in tropical conditions. Women become weak and nervous due to non-appearance of menses.
Argentum nit. (One dose only): A mere spot of blood instead of regular menses.
Aristolochia clem. 30 (One dose daily): Young women at the helm of their youth lose their menses after hormonal treatment. It combines the properties of Sepia and Pulsatilla.
Calcarea carb. (One dose only): Menses suppressed in fat girls. Breasts become tender and swollen during menstruation. Colic, headache and chilliness before menses.
Causticum, Cyclamen (One dose only): Menses during day time only; they cease at night.
Cimicifuga 3x (One dose only): Menses absent or scanty due to complex endocrinal unbalance and emotions.
Colocynthis, Chamomilla (One dose only): Menses suppressed from anger.
Damiana Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Aids the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls.
Dulcamara (One dose only): Suppression of menses from cold or dampness. Before appearance of menses, a rash appears on the skin or sexual excitement.
Euphrasia (One dose only): Menses last for one hour or a day only.
Gossypium Q (One dose only) 20 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Menses suppressed due to uterine troubles. Sensation that the flow is about to start but it does not. It is a powerful remedy and brings about the menses in most cases.
Graphites (Twice a day): Menses are suppressed, delayed or scanty. This is usually accompanied by constipation with ball-like stools.
Ignatia amara (One dose only): Suppressed menses in patients with very changeable moods тАФ crying and laughing at unexpected times or hysterical patients.
Kalium carb. (One dose only): Menses delayed in young girls. Difficult first menses. Menses suppressed from fright.
Lycopodium (One dose only): Young girls with non-development of breasts and with absence of menses. This remedy will develop the breasts and make the course to appear. Menses suppressed from fright.
Macrotinum 2x (One dose only): 5 drops of it in a little water given every two hours at the time when the flow was due, but failed to come on, makes the menses appear.
Onosmodium (One dose only): Feels as if the menses would appear but it does not. There is severe intensive pain and aching in the breasts.
Opium (One dose only): Menses suppressed from fright.
Phosphorus (One dose only): Amenorrhea. Bleeding from nose, breasts or eyes instead of menses. Weeps before menses. Corrosive leucorrhoea instead of menses.
Pinus lamb. (One dose daily): Menses suppressed or delayed. Give in 15 drop doses, thrice or four times daily.
Pinus lamb. 3x (Twice a day): When the menses fail to appear at puberty and when the breasts are defective in their development.
Pulsatilla nig. Q (One dose only): Stoppage of menses due to any cause. 5 drop doses of this remedy continued during one or two intervals sets the matter right.
Sabadilla (One dose only): Menses too late. Come and stop and come again by fits and starts, due to the congestion of the uterus and anemia. Worse cold and cold drinks, better warm food and warm drinks.
Sabina Q (One dose only), 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Young girls having no menses for months together. One breast is smaller than the other.
Saraca indica Q (One dose only) (Joanesia asoca) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Delayed or irregular menses. Headache due to suppression of menses. Menstrual discharge is scanty, pale, watery, foul smelling and blackish. Amenorrhea at puberty with pain in the head.
Senecio aur. 3x (One dose only): Menses delayed or suppressed in young girls with backache. Inflammation of throat, chest and bladder before appearance of flow and improves when the flow starts.
Sepia (One dose only): When menses do not start after the mother has ceased breastfeeding the child. The woman feels troubled mentally. Sepia not only starts the menses but also cures all symptoms due to the suppression of menses.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Menses too late, scanty and difficult. Blood thick, black, acrid and makes the parts sore. Menses preceded by headache.
Thyreoidinum 3x (Twice a day): When menses are suppressed due to the over activity of pituitary or thyroid gland.
Tuberculinum 200 (One dose only): Use it when various indicated remedies fail.
Viburnum prun. Q: Amenorrhea or other menstrual irregularities and displacement of uterus in sterile ladies.