Homeopathic Remedies for Anemia
Aceticum acidum (Four times a day): Anemia with pale face and debility. Frequent fainting, vomiting and profuse urination and sweat.
Acidum phos. (One dose only): Anemia due to grief or loss of seminal fluids.
Argentum nit. (One dose only): Anemia due to excessive vomiting and indigestion.
Arsenicum alb. (Twice a day): Anemia due to malaria. There is lot of prostration and anxiety. The patient drinks often but little. Anemia due to iron deficiency.
Calcarea ars. (One dose only): By its use, the haemoglobin and red blood corpuscles increase in a short time.
Calcarea phos. 6x (One dose only): Anemia of children who are pale but flabby and suffer from tonsillitis.
Calotropis Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup water: Primary anemia of syphilitics. Heat in the stomach is a good guiding symptom for the use of this remedy.
Ceanothus Q (One dose only): Anemia due to liver and spleen fault. Violent dyspnea. Bronchitis with profound secretion.
China off. lx (One dose only), Calcarea carb. (One dose only): If anemia is caused by loss of blood or vital fluids.
Cuprum ars. 3x (One dose only): Anemia due to iron deficiency.
Ferrum phos. lx, Ferrum protoxalatum lx, Ferrum pic. lx (One dose only): This may be given once daily for a week if the anemia is due to lack of iron. It will cause a rapid increase of haemoglobin. If it does no good, stop its administration and if improvement is noticed, continue it, till cured.
Graphites (One dose daily): Anemia with a red face.
Iridium met. (Twice a day): Anemia after exhausting diseases or due to old age or in children growing too fast. It increases red blood corpuscles.
Kalium carb. (One dose only): Blood lacks red blood corpuscles. The skin is milky white or watery with great debility. Young ladies at the time of puberty have menstrual troubles on account of great weakness. There is bloating of face, eyelids and backache in the lower back. If such conditions occur at menopause, specially the bloating, this remedy is again indicated. This remedy has a profound influence over blood making.
Lecithinum lx – 3x (One dose only): It has a favourable influence upon the nutritive conditions of blood. Increases the number of red blood corpuscles and amount of haemoglobin. Loss of flesh and general breakdown may be noticed.
Natrium cacodyl. 1x (Twice a day): It increases the number of red blood corpuscles to double. Give four doses a day.
Natrium mur. (One dose only): The patient is constipated. The face is pale and there is palpitation. It is also useful for anemia after malaria.
Nux vomica (One dose only): Anemia due to indigestion, especially in persons of sedentary habits or given to high living or debauchary.
Ostrya virginica (One dose only): It is of great value in anemia from malaria.
Petroleum (One dose only): When anemia is accompanied with fever and the patient vomits the food taken.
Phosphorus (Twice a day): Anemia due to kidney diseases and when there is puffiness all over the body.
Pulsatilla nig. (One dose only): Patients who were heavily and irrelevantly drugged by medication and tonics or due to accidental stoppage of menses. Anemia due to iron deficiency. Abuse of iron tonics.
Silicea 6x (One dose only): Anemia of infants with tendency to rickets.
Strophanthus Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Anemia with palpitation and breathlessness. It tones up the heart and is safer for the aged. Dyspnea specially on ascending. Lungs congested.
Strychninum phos. 3x (One dose only): An excellent remedy for anemia of the spinal cord. Aching, burning and weakness of the spine is present. Tenderness in the mid – dorsal region on pressure.
Teucrium mar. 10M or CM (One dose only): One dose fortnightly will cure anemia which is due to pin worms. It will also eradicate worms.
NOTE 1: Patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia can also increase the amount of iron in the haemoglobin by use of cast-iron cooking vessels. The following foods top in iron content:
- Meat, poultry, fish and eggs.
- Whole grains, dried fruits (like apricots, prunes and raisins), dark green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, lentils and nuts.
NOTE 2: Coffee and tea with meals interferes in the absorption of iron by the body.
NOTE 3: There are following types of anemia.
- Iron deficiency anemia: Iron can be obtained from vegetarian foods such as beans, spinach and nuts.
- Pernicious anemia: It is very rare and it results when body fails to absorb Vitamin B12.
- Other types of anemias: It can be caused by diseases of haemoglobin molecules, folate deficiency, chronic diseases and problems with bone marrow.