Homeopathic Remedies for Bites – Stings
Aceticum acidum (One dose only): Bad effects from stings and bites are cured by the use of this remedy.
Apis mel. (One dose only): Bites by bees.
Arnica mont. Q (One dose only): Apply externally for wasp stings and give Cantharis 200 orally.
Cedron Q (Twice a day): Bites of serpents and poisonous insects are antidoted by this remedy.
Cistus can. (One dose only): For bites of mad dogs and other mad animals. Locally as a wash to arrest fetid discharge.
Echinacea Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: A general but a good remedy for stings and even bites of venomous animals like snake.
Euphorbia prostata Q (One dose only): It is said to be an infallible remedy for bites of snakes specially rattlesnakes. Dose-15 drops every 10 minutes.
Gauco: For stings of scorpions. Apply Drona Q (an Indian remedy) locally.
Golondrina Q (One dose only): An antidote to the snake poison. Its use renders the body immune to the influence of snake venom. Maybe used as a preventive at places where incidents of poisonous snake bites are common.
Hydrophobinum 200 (One dose daily) x 5 days: Dog bites.
Hypericum 3x (One dose only): Bites of bugs. There is burning at the site of the bite.
Indigo tinc. (One dose only): Pure powder of remedy placed on the wound caused by bites of snakes and spiders cures the effects of the poison.
Iodium (Twice a day): For bites of rattlesnake. Crude form for local use and for oral use.
Lachesis 200 (One dose daily): For bites of dogs which are not mad. Also for bites of leeches.
Ledum pal. Q or 200 (Twice a day): For bites of all animals, rats, cats, dogs, scorpions, etc. Apply Q locally and give 200 orally. It acts as an anti-tetanus remedy.
Pulex irritans (One dose only): Flea bites and bites of dust mite. There is prickly itching of the skin.
Staphysagria (One dose only): Bites of mosquitoes.
Urtica urens Q (One dose only): A very good remedy for bee stings. Use orally in drops and apply externally at the site of the bite.