Homeopathic Medicine for Septic Infection – Septicemia
Calendula off.: It is a remarkable healing agent when applied locally on an open wound which maybe septic.
Echinacea Q: Symptoms of blood poisoning and septic conditions generally. Septic pustules. Foul discharges with emaciation. Useful in bites of cobra snake where it is given in 200 potency every 15 minutes and is also applied externally in tincture form. Puerperal septicaemia – infection of the genital tract within 42 days of childbirth with chills and fever.
Lachesis (One dose daily): Low forms of diseases when the system is thoroughly poisoned and the prostration is profound. Modalities usually guide to the selection of this remedy. Worse after sleep and bluish-purplish appearance of the skin in boils, carbuncles, blisters, dissected wounds, etc.
Magnesium sulph. Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: It is a good germicide and destroys even the germs of cancer and acts as an antiseptic to the stomach and bowels. It is antiphlogistic and antipruritic in erysipelas, ivy poisoning, cellulitis, orchitis, boils and other local inflammations. Apply it locally as compresses prepared by pure epsom salt mixed with water in the ratio 1: 4.
Pyrogenium 200 (One dose only) Repeat after a week: It is a great remedy for septic states with intense restlessness, in septic fevers especially puerperal, dissecting wounds, sewer gas poisoning and after-effects of miscarriages. All the discharges are horribly offensive. Chronic complaints that date back to septic conditions and septic fevers.
Staphylococcinum 200 (One dose only): Septic infection in case of acne, abscesses, boils, etc.