Cholera Homeopathy Medicine
Aethusa cyn. (Four times a day): Useful in cholera of children and infants. Milk is vomited in curds after taking it. The patient is restless, lachrimose and has colic.
Arsenicum alb. (Four times a day): The patient does not yield to the above treatment and the respiration becomes slow, deep and gasping, and the symptoms of death are appearing, use of this remedy may save a life.
Camphora Q (Four times a day): When cholera is epidemic, 2 to 3 drops on a lump of sugar will protect those not affected by the disease. If diarrhea has started and the patient has nausea, give 5-6 drops every 15 minutes on sugar. It is considered specific for the disease.
Colchicum autum. 3x (Four times a day): When the abdomen is bloated with wind, it will give relief from flatulence and other symptoms of cholera.
Cuprum acet. 3x (Four times a day): If some person in the family is already suffering from the disease, the rest of the members should take a dose morning and evening for protection against the disease.
Hydrocyanicum acidum (Thrice a day): Rice colored stools.
Ipecacuanha (Four times a day): Nausea, very easy, copious vomiting and sudden profuse rice water like stools. Forced discharge of stool. Loud noise in the abdomen like gurgling of water. Coldness and cramps in the body. It is a valuable remedy in cholera.
Podophyllum (Four times a day): Stools are profuse, offensive and gushing.
Sepia (Four times a day): Diarrhea and vomiting becomes worse by drinking milk.
Veratrum alb. (Four times a day): If the patient is not relieved by Camphora or rather, has become worse by this, use Veratrum alb. It is very useful when cold perspiration is present on the forehead and the patient has cramps and rice water stools.