Homeopathic Medicine for Scapula
Ammonium mur. (Thrice a day): Icy coldness between scapulae not relieved by warmth or covering. Better by open air.
Baryta carb. (Thrice a day), Rhus tox. (Thrice a day): Pain between the scapulae or shoulder blades.
Chelidonium (Thrice a day): Constant pain under the lower inner angle of right scapula.
Chenopodium (Thrice a day): Intense pain between angle of right shoulder blade near the spine and through chest. It has a pain in the left shoulder blade also.
Colocynthis (Thrice a day): Sharp pain in the right deltoid and chest, better by pressure and warmth.
Kalium carb. (Thrice a day): Sharp, cutting pains in the right scapula early in the morning; better by motion.
Kalmia lat. (Thrice a day): Deltoid Rheumatism, specially right.
Lachnantes tinc. (Thrice a day): Chilliness between scapulae.
Lycopersicum (Thrice a day): Sharp pain in the right deltoid and chest.
Phytolacca dec. (Thrice a day): Shooting pain in the right shoulder and scapula.
Ranunculus bulb. (Thrice a day): Muscular pain along the lower angle of scapulae increased by cold air.
Sticta pulm. 30 (Thrice a day): Pain in the right deltoid and chest, worse by sudden changes in weather.
Sulphur (One dose daily): Pain in the left shoulder and left shoulder blade.