Homeopathic Medicine for Stings
Ammonium caust. Q: Give this remedy by inhalation in case of unconsciousness due to a snake bite. It is a powerful cardiac stimulant.
Apis mel. Q-30: If there is very rapid swelling and a lot of burning, apply mother tincture externally and give 30 potency internally. Use it in scorpion bites.
Arnica mont. Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Wasp stings, apply externally.
Cedron Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Painful effects of poisonous stings are antidoted by this remedy.
Drona Q: An East Indian drug. It is also very useful for scorpion bites. Give 5 drops orally and apply on the affected part.
Guaco 6 (Thrice a day): Antidotes scorpion bites and snake bites.
Ledum pal. Q-200 (Twice a day): Stings of scorpions. Apply externally and give 200 internally. Bee stings and other stings are antidoted by this remedy.
Urtica urens Q: Apply externally. Gives instantaneous relief.
Viola odorata Q: Apply externally for bee stings and snake bites.