Homeopathic Medicine for Suppression Of Diseases – Ailments Due To Suppression
Abrotanum (Thrice a day): Rheumatism after suppression of diarrhea.
Ammonium mur. (Thrice a day): Hemorrhoids due to suppression of leucorrhea.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Diseases like asthma, etc. arising on account of suppression of skin diseases like itching of skin or eczema.
Medorrhinum 1M (One dose only): Bad effects following suppression of gonorrhea.
Oleum animalis 200 (One dose daily): Asthma due to wetting of the feet or chilling them when perspiring.
Platinum met. (Thrice a day): Mental troubles due to suppression of menses. Physical symptoms disappear as mental troubles develop.
Saraca indica Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: Headache due to suppression of menses, better as the flow starts.
Silicea 200 (Twice a day) For 3 days.: Convulsions due to suppression of foot sweat.
Sulphur 200 For 4 days.: Skin troubles when suppressed with ointments, etc. cause some other troubles especially respiratory. In such a case, a dose of Sulphur 200 every day in the morning for four days will bring out the original diseases, which can then be cured by the indicated remedies. Insanity due to suppression is also cured by the use of this remedy.
Thlaspi bursa Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ┬╜ cup of water: After-effects of suppressed uterine diseases.
Zincum met. (Thrice a day): Mania due to suppression of eruptions.