Homeopathic Medicine for Warts – Papilloma
Acidum phos. (Thrice a day), Sabina (Thrice a day): Black warts.
Acidum salicylic. 3X (Thrice a day): Itchy and pustular warts. Scratching gives some relief.
Anacardium ori. (Thrice a day), Dulcamara (Thrice a day), Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Warts on the palms of the hand.
Anagallis 1x (Thrice a day): It possess power of softening flesh and destroying warts.
Antimonium crud. (Thrice a day): Warts on soles, palms and neck. Warts soft and smooth.
Antimonium tart. (Thrice a day): Warts on glans penis.
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Warts on the right hand.
Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day), Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Warts on the back of the hand.
Aurum mur. (Thrice a day): Warts on the tongue and genitals.
Calcarea calcinata 3x (Thrice a day): It is a remedy for all kinds of warts.
Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Red warts on the fingers. Warts on face and hands.
Calcarea fluor. 12x (Thrice a day): Hard wart or a mole on the scalp.
Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day), Acidum phos. (Thrice a day): Warts situated on the prepuce.
Carbo animalis (Thrice a day): Warts on hands and face of old people.
Castor equi (Thrice a day): Warts on breasts.
Castoreum (Thrice a day): Warts on forehead.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Warts on finger tips, right index finger, on the face, eyelids and in or outside the nose. Burning and bleeding easily. Maybe situated all over the body.
Dulcamara (Thrice a day): Warts on the lower eyelid of the eyes. Large smooth warts on the palms.
Ferrum met. (Thrice a day), Psorinum (Thrice a day): Warts on the left hand.
Ficus carica (Thrice a day) (Fig): The fresh milky juice obtained by breaking the stalk when applied externally on warts causes their disappearance.
Kalium crb. (Thrice a day): Warts on the fingers.
Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Warts on forearms.
Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Warts on palms.
Natrium sulph. (Thrice a day): Red warts on the whole body. General remedy for warts especially when fingers and toes are affected.
Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Warts are like cauliflowers on lips or anywhere; hard, having cracks, sometimes emitting a fetid fluid. Warts on genitals. Warts bleed on washing.
Ruta (Thrice a day): Warts on the inside of hands.
Sarsaparilla (Thrice a day): Warts around joints of fingers.
Sepia (Thrice a day): Warts situated on the whole body.
Thuja occ. 1M (One dose only) Repeat after a week: Warts on the anus, thumb, sides of the fingers and the left index finger. Warts in crops, sometimes oozing moisture or blood. Warts on genitals and anal surfaces.
NOTE: A mixture of Thuja Q, Anagallis Q and Ficus carica Q in equal parts is mixed in a little amount of Vaseline to make a paste. It can be applied locally on the wart, along with dispensing of the oral remedy.