Homeopathic Remedies for Antibiotics
Antibiotics are a variety of drugs prepared both from natural and synthetic substances to destroy micro-organisms infecting the bodies of humans, animals, birds and plants, and producing diseases. These are most misused and overused drugs of modem allopathic practice. More or less, every antibiotic drug has side effects because their use disturbs the normal function of the organs in the body and the composition of blood. The patient may develop
disturbances in digestion, discomfort, unsteadiness, diarrhoea, sore throat, aphthae, fever, etc. The following medicines may be prescribed to remove the ill-effects of antibiotics. The use of antibiotics should be stopped when any ill-effect is noticed.
Acidum phos. (One dose only): For general debility after use of antibiotics.
Antimonium tart. (One dose only): When there is rattling of mucus but little comes up on coughing.
Borax (One dose only): For thrush of tongue and mouth or vagina.
Bryonia alba (One dose only): Bronchitis with a lot of thirst. The patient drinks often and in large quantities. Cough is worse in a warm room and the chest is sore. Give every three hours.
Echinacea Q: This remedy has antibiotic properties.
Ipecacuanha (One dose only): For nausea.
Nitricum acidum (One dose only): Diarrhoea is a very common side effect and it is cured by this remedy.
Pulsatilla nig. (One dose only): Persistent catarrh of the throat and nose.
Sulphur 200 (One dose only): One dose, usually overcomes the so called тАЬdrug rashтАЭ.
Thuja occ. 200 (One dose only): It has a specific antibacterial action.
DIET: In all such cases, yogurt, garlic capsules and juices are the best diets.
NOTE 1: In June 2000, Dr. David Haymann issued a warning on behalf of World Health Organization that most antibiotics are becoming useless on account of antibiotic resistant organisms. All major infectious diseases like TB, malaria and pneumonia have developed resistance to current drugs. Gonorrhea is no longer treatable by Penicillin in most parts of the world.
NOTE 2: In homeopathy, all chlorides like Aurum mur., Ammonium mur., Baryta mur., Calcarea mur., Natrium mur. and Zincum mur. are antibiotics. All mercury salts like Mercurius acet., Mercurius aur., Mercurius cor., Mercurius brom., etc. are bactericides but Mercurius iod. in 3x potency is more active than all these remedies. Baptisia is antibiotic to typhosus bacteria and curative in typhoid fevers. Echinacea has antibiotic and anti-fungus properties.
NOTE 3: E. coli and related bacteria are known as enterococci because they live in digestive systems of animals, using their stick hair, called тАЬpiliтАЭ to cling to cells. They cause food poisoning and other diseases.