Homeopathic Remedy for Dysphagia – Homeopathic Remedy for Difficulty Swallowing
Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Swallowing difficult and painful on account of edema of the mucous membrane of the throat – appearing as if stung with a bee, there is inability to even swallow a single drop.
Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Difficulty in swallowing with sensation of a splinter in the throat.
Baptisia (Thrice a day): Can swallow liquids only. Great difficulty in swallowing solid food. Solid food gags. Esophagus is constricted and contracted.
Belladonna (Thrice a day): Swallowing difficult on account of a bright red swelling in the throat with dryness and burning.
Capsicum (Thrice a day): Swallowing difficult on account of burning with constriction of the throat.
Carbolicum acidum (Thrice a day): Almost impossible to swallow, and regurgitation on swallowing liquids due to inflammation of fauces or diphtheria.
Causticum (Thrice a day): Food enters larynx instead of esophagus due to a disease of pharynx causing difficulty in swallowing.
Crotalus hor. (Thrice a day): Cannot swallow any solid substance due to spasm and constriction of the esophagus.
Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day): Difficulty in swallowing with a sensation of a plug and of a splinter in the throat.
Hyoscyamus nig. (Thrice a day): Cannot swallow liquids. Uvula is elongated and muscles of the throat and pharynx are stiff.
Ignatia amara (Thrice a day): Stitches in the throat between acts of swallowing. Swallowing difficult on account of inflammed, swollen and ulcerated tonsils.
Lachesis (Thrice a day): Swallowing of both liquids and solids difficult due to the dry, intensely swollen throat.
Mancinella (Thrice a day): Dysphagia from constriction of the throat and esophagus.
Natrium phos. (Thrice a day): Dysphagia due to blisters on tongue, soft palate, etc.
Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): Cannot swallow solids due to constriction in esophagus, stomach pressure and tightness. Constant vomiting.
NOTE: It is one of the imperatives in medicine that if a person in middle life complains of ‘dysphagia’, one must not rest until carcinoma of the esophagus or other organic cause has been excluded.