Medications for other diseases of children are being told.
Ambra Grisea – 30: In hyper and lean children who have higher sensitivity, it is beneficial.
Carbo Veg-30:┬аWhen child afraid of the dark, fear to sleep alone, nightmares and night vision.
Staphysagria- 30:┬аVery angry and screaming, the stubborn nature child.
Chamomilla -200:┬аIn very angry and irritable nature child.
Lycopodium-30:┬аGrumpy child and bad mouth child and low confidence child.
Nux vomica -30:┬аIntolerance in child and ready for revenge.
Hepar Sulphur- 30:┬аFor naughty child and always be prepared for violence.
Stramonium-200:┬аHyper, cruel, grumpy child. Always be ready to unprovoked violence, mentally backward.
Baryta Carb- 200:┬аBack in terms of physical and mental growth of the body.